Moodle Offline

A simple solution for browsing Moodle courses offline

Why Moodle offline?

Commuting from home to university, travelling, or working in locations where the access to an internet connection is not available? Fed up with instable internet connection during transport? Moodle Offline allows you to synchronize with the Moodle server and to work with your offline client providing access to course materials and activities.


How it works

Offline Moodle has a client-server architecture: the client part consists of a customized Moodle software application that runs on the learner's computer, the server part consists of a block to install on a Moodle 2 server. The instructor of a course creates a snapshot of a course, which is a sort of backup of the course. The client has the ability to connect to the server when the internet connection is available and download the snapshot of the course, to be used in off-line mode. It works only with Moodle v.2.2.x.


What kind of data is copied (VERY IMPORTANT)

The snapshot of the course contains an exact copy of the course, including students data (student's submissions, grades, discussions, ...). All this data is accessible to the client (although users' names and emails are anonymized). This means that this tool cannot be used when sensible or private data is stored in the course, otherwise this data becomes public.


Software license

Moodle offline is released as free software under the GPL software license and is available for download in the Sourceforge website.


We developedthe first beta version (V 1.0) of the infrastructure


Client and server components can be downloaded from Sourceforge


Download from here